- Insulation monitoring of ungrounded power supply systems (IT)
insulation fault location system HIG-IFL1 in healthcare – University hospital Olomouc; insulation monitoring in mines (500 and 1000V AC systems); insulation monitoring 22 kV – train tunnel excavation; monitoring of 400 and 500 VAC IT system in trams by PESA Bydgoszcz; monitoring of IT system in SOLARIS TRAMINO trams; monitoring of STADLER TANGO trams; monitoring of ungrounded systems in hospitals of Ostrava, Opava, Prague; HIG95+ IMDs in hospitals of Mladá Boleslav and Ostrava; application of LCD panel MDS-D on the switchboards door to monitor several IMDs at one place; monitoring of DC IT power systems of trolleybuses; monitoring of AC IT power system in Třinec ironworks (TŽ) – continuous steel casting and Vítkovice ironworks (Ostrava); monitoring of 24 VDC IT in Třinec ironworks (TŽ)
- Protection of traction systems and vehicles
low voltage limiters for public transport systems in Ostrava, Bratislava, Košice; surge protection of traction supply systems and vehicles (660, 750V) for public transport in Ostrava, Hradec Králové, Olomouc, Plzeň, Ústí nad Labem, Prague, Bratislava, Košice, Prešov, Žilina, Bánska Bystrica - Installation of surge protection solutions and other installations
ČEPS; protection of 6kV/1000V and 6kV/500V transformers for Ex environment; Union bank; Police of the Czech Republic; North Moravian Water Works and Sewerage; SATJAM; ESAB Vamberk; Ostroj Opava ; Opava jail; Třinec ironworks Mill C; ČEZ Distribution; ČEPS – Prosenice, Nošovice, Horní Životice substations; ČEPS – installation of surge protection device remote monitoring in Albrechtice substation; Protection of transformer monitoring system by installation of SPDs – Nošovice, Albrechtice, Lískovec and Horní Životice substations - Maintenance of low-voltage operation systems in ČEPS substations
Nošovice; Prosenice; Albrechtice; Sokolnice; Slavětice Slavětice, Horní Životice, Kletné, Lískovec, Čebín
- Measurements and testing
maintenance and measurement of SCHNEIDER, ABB and OEZ circuit breakers; Union bank; ČEPS – measurement of supply networks and transients, voltage and current spectral analysis; North Moravian Water Works and Sewerage; THONA; ČEPS – measurement of transients and spectral analysis of Nošovice, Prosenice, Lískovec, Čebín, Kletné and Albrechtice substations - Inspections in health care
University hospital of Ostrava – Pediatric medicine; Nemocnici Třinec p.o. – Intensive care units; Hospital of Třinec; Hospital Vítkovická in Ostrava; Ostrava – City hospital and University hospital; Bartovice; Karviná; Mother and Child Care Pavilon Ostrava-Poruba; Havířov; Health care center Kostelní; Ostrava – urgent admission; Hospital of Nový Jičín